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Volunteer Opportunities

Are you looking for volunteer shifts? There is a lot going on at the Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank, and our volunteers make our mission a reality. We could not serve our community without you!

Calling local organizations! Group volunteering is a great way for your organization to support the community and bond your team. To learn more about volunteering in the food bank or the warehouse, contact volunteer@issaquahfoodbank.org


PLEASE READ: Important Volunteer Information

  • We are not currently taking court-ordered/community service volunteers.

  • The minimum age to volunteer is 16. Volunteers younger than 18 must be accompanied by an adult who is also signed up to volunteer.

    • NOTE: Some programs may require a minimum age of 18. Please carefully read the details on the sign-up page.

  • Job coaches must contact the volunteer coordinator before signing up. 

If you still have questions please read our Volunteering FAQ's and/or email volunteer@issaquahfoodbank.org.

Food Bank Volunteer Sign-Ups

Event Volunteer Opportunities

We hold three fun and very different fundraising events annually and are always looking for people who love planning and executing events to be a part of making them a success. Contact Bonnie to learn more about our Event Teams and event day volunteer needs. Thank you!

Board Involvement

Contact Brooke to learn about opportunities on our Board and our Board Committees.